Thank you for taking the time to report any issues with a Spin vehicle! It's users like you who help us maintain the scooters and bikes to ensure an affordable, accessible way for folks to get around.
How to Report:
Get in touch with us is via the "Support" button on the bottom right corner of our site. Continue to fill out all of the necessary information on the form.
Please have the vehicle's 7-digit license plate number handy! Other helpful details when reporting an issue with a vehicle is a short description of the issue and, if possible, its last known location.
If you're having trouble with the help function, you can email us at, and we'll respond as soon as we can!
Please note that if you contact us on weekends after 6pm or after weekdays after 10 p.m., we may not be able to respond until the following day.
Still having issues getting in touch with us?
Call and leave us a voicemail at 1-888-262-5189.
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